格蕾丝是一个非常漂亮和聪明的女孩,但她是一个有犯罪心理的小精神病患者,在不断违法方面表现得非常多,她是盗窃、入室行窃、金融犯罪甚至财产犯罪方面的专家;然而,这一次,她被狱警带走了,狱警了解这个女孩,建议给她换个刑期;于是,这个性感傲慢的罪犯迫不及待地想去这位不再年轻但有点古怪、有创造力和变态的绅士家里做家务,当格蕾丝在警察的陪同下到达公寓时,她被铐在身后,嘴里被胶带封住,以防止她侮辱和向拘留她的警察吐口水。格蕾丝以她出了名的傲慢认为自己所处的境地相当有趣,和她的女朋友一起,她总是玩这些角色扮演游戏,在游戏中,她经常被绑起来,嘴里被塞住,就像一根意大利腊肠一样。因为就连她的女朋友都认为她是个傲慢的家伙,当他们一起[X_X]时,她喜欢适当地制服她,让她保持沉默;警官宣读了格蕾丝的权利,她带着傲慢的微笑看着他,这个年轻女子将不得不在这所房子里接受六百个小时的替代惩罚;格蕾丝在嘴巴下笑了笑,这里比在臭气熏天的监狱里好;警官告诉她,现在主人出门去晨练了,她必须在客厅里等他,安静而安静;出于这个原因,这个精神病患者被绳子绑住了;腿、胳膊、胸部和肘部都固定得很好,嘴巴一层层地塞住,效果更好Grace is a very pretty and intelligent girl but she is a little psychopath with a criminal mind, multifaceted in continuously breaking the law, she is an expert in theft, shoplifting, financial crimes and not to miss anything even crimes against property; this time, however, she was taken by her prison officer who, knowing the girl, proposed an alternative sentence to prison; and so the sexy arrogant criminal, can't wait to serve domestic service at the home of this gentleman no longer so young but somewhat eccentric, creative and perverted, when Grace arrives at the apartment, accompanied by the cop she is handcuffed behind her back, gagged with duct tape to prevent her from insulting and spitting at the policeman who has her in custody Grace with her famous arrogance thinks that the situation in which she finds herself is quite funny, with her girlfriend she always has fun in these role-playing games in which she often ends up tied up and gagged like a salami. because even her girlfriend thinks she's a fucking arrogant, and when they fuck together she loves to properly subdue her silenced; the officer reads Grace's rights, who looks at him with her arrogant smile, the young woman will have to spend six hundred hours of alternative punishment in this house; Grace smiles under the gag, better here than in a stinking jail; the officer tells her that now the owner is out of the house for his morning walk and that she will have to wait for him in the living room, good quiet and still; for this reason the psychopath is tied with bunch of ropes; legs, arms, chest and elbows are well secured, the gag is made more effective with layers
片名:The alternative punishment of unruly snooty Grace